How much could you earn as a Self-Employed Paraplanner at Plus Group?
Why not give our revenue calculator a go and find out!

The calculator
Have a play about with the inputs below to see how much revenue you could potentially make each month.
Replacement cases
Per week
ISA transfers
Per week
Per week
New money
Per week
Your estimated monthly revenue:
This calculator should only be used as a guide and does not constitute guaranteed revenue. Average case values have been used for simplicity. You can download a copy of our fee structure here – Self-employed Paraplanners receive 50% of the fee shown in the fee structure (not including VAT).
your benefits
The smart way to work and earn more
- Work from anywhere
- An incredible team
- Training & support
- Large case volume
- Flexible working
- Accessibility
Meet a Paraplanner: Erin Findler!
Want to find out first-hand what it’s like to work in our Paraplanning Team? Meet the lovely Erin, one of our employed Paraplanners and find out what she has to say about working for Plus Group.

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Become a Plus Group Paraplanner
Looking for a job with maximum flexibility, unlimited earning potential and the convenience of working anywhere in the world? Then look no further!
With demand only increasing, we have several remote paraplanner jobs available that might be the perfect fit for you. If you’re a talented Paraplanner, please get in touch with our team to learn more about our open vacancies today.